Wednesday 29 October 2008

Escape from Mundania

A couple of times recently I've nearly mentioned The Map of Human Sexuality to XY but then changed my mind, because I've worried that it'll just remind him of (and make him sad about) our current residence in the Land of Mundania.

Not that that doesn't worry me too, but I think it bothers me less than him for the moment. I'm not sure why, since I'm older so I should really be the one panicking about running out of time for wild exciting sexy times. Of course it bothers me sometimes, but for the time being, I'm not too worried. After all, I lost my virginity less than a year ago, after over ten years of waiting, and it's only fairly recently I've reached the point where I'm totally comfortable with it.

The fact that I've even got this far amazes me, because I'd reached the point where I really didn't think I would. I'd pretty much given up on sex, and on the idea of doing anything sexual at all with someone I liked. I was settling for drunken passionless fumbles with people I felt no attraction at all to, and I thought that was all I could ever hope for. So the fact that I now regularly have sex with a lovely yummy boy I can't keep my hands off is such a huge step up from where I was, for now that's enough to keep me satisfied.

But getting back to the map... It's a bit intimidating. Even in my wildest dreams I can't see me venturing out very far, and for such an open-minded person that makes me feel a bit disappointed with myself. But then being open-minded just means I don't judge other people for doing things, and if someone really wanted to do something with me I'd be open to trying it. Being open-minded doesn't necessarily involve the desire to do everything it's possible to do.

There should be a version where you can just delete anything you absolutely know you never want to do. At least then it would look a bit more achievable. Not that there are many things I know for certain I will never want to do. "Hardly ever say never," as a great man once told me. But I think we can safely sink the Island of Non Consent, for a start. And while I have to admit I don't know what all those things mean, most of the stuff beyond the Impassable Reaches would obviously have to go too. Though, not all of them are absolutely out of the question... Should vomit really be categorised with bestiality and necrophilia? It's not nice, no, but surely it's on a completely different scale of “not nice”. And golden showers certainly shouldn't be up there!

Of course, that's another problem with the map – it's all pretty subjective. Same sex experiences, for instance, could be the very last thing some people would do. Whereas it'd be pretty mundane for others. But I suppose the map is just supposed to give some sort of average representation. What would be really good, would be a map where you can move things around in an order that makes sense for you. I quite like the idea of seeing how much further I've ventured out every now and then. Assuming I ever do, of course.

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