Thursday 30 October 2008

Ground Rules?

I think XX is worrying unnecessarily about some things. First of all, I'm not sure why she thinks I'm more likely to get sex than her. While it's probably true that my sexual desires are less affected by my general opinions of a person I'm not at ease with sleeping with just any girl. Sex is still a massive deal for me. I have a long list of insecurities I'd need to get over too. 

XX thinks she is unattractive and is sorely mistaken. I obviously find her attractive, I'm attracted to her! But I think we're talking about attractiveness on some sort of global level. She can quite easily go out and have boys openly interested in her. I quite often don't get so much as a second glance from girls. I don't like thinking about how attractive or unattractive I am but I don't think I'm hideous, I just think I'm not going to get girls trying to get into my trousers.

XX's fears that I might get more action than her are not needed. Although I have the same fears. I can't stand the thought of XX going around fucking various men while I spend my time jacking off to porn or something.

Open relationships are dangerous. What we're considering isn't to be taken lightly. I think we should set rules here perhaps... we can toss ideas back and forth and then draw up a constitution.

 I think we should be able to call periods of absitence from sex outside the relationship. If one of us feels particuarly vulnerable for whatever reason, I think we should retain the right to forbid the other person from doing anything. Good reasons should be given.

As discussed at one point in time I feel that I should be made to explain to girls I meet that I have a relationship and that anything we get up to is purely recreational whereas XX will hide this fact from potential partners due to the fact that most of us men are utter wankers that revel in the idea of sleeping with another man's woman and bragging about it.

We should also take any lengths necessary to ensure that neither party is made to look like a fool by anything we do. At no point should either of us appear to be pathetic.

That's all I can think of for now...


  1. You know what we should do? Go out together but find people for each other rather than for ourselves. That way we don't have to do any scary chatting-up of people and we get to know that we approve of each other's people. And we both have pretty good taste I think :)

    Proper response later...

  2. I think I'd be far too picky with the men. It's true that I don't really like the idea of another man fucking you at the moment. I don't like the idea of giving a specific man permission. I'm sorry if that's terrible and hypocritical of me. Although I don't know how seriously to take your suggestion...

  3. Of course! I meant you could choose girls for me. I know choosing boys might be a bit too much to ask.
